IDA and Hex-rays Decompiler Pricing for Perpetual Licenses
Our price structure is based on three levels of pricing: Base, Additional and Upgrade. Additional and Upgrade licenses are offered
at generous discounts to our loyal customers and volume purchasers. We also offer bundle discounts when you purchase both IDA and Hex-Rays Decompiler at the same time.
In addition, we have three types of licenses: Named, Computer, and Floating. The IDA Teams and Lumina Server products are subscription-based and the following discount options do not apply to them.
Here are some guidelines for pricing:
- You first need to have a Base license in the same edition group (Pro, Floating) and OS platform in order to purchase additional licenses. If you have an active base license (less than 12 months old) in the same group and for the same platform, you can purchase additional licenses at the discounted prices.
- To place an order for the upgrades, you will have to provide your IDA license ID to verify eligibility for the discounted prices.
- Discounted upgrade prices are offered only if your existing license is less than 15 months old, that is, no more than 3 months after its expiry. You can find the expiration date and your license ID within IDA under Help, About Program. During the support period, updates are made available free of charge upon request. Except for IDA Pro Team licenses and other subscription-based products, the product itself does not cease to function after the support period expires. You can continue using the version you have indefinitely. However, you will not be able to get the newer releases or receive tech support without an active license.
- Platform discounts are available only to the Named User license purchasers. If you purchase a new Named license, you can get a discount on the other platforms of the same product. For example, if you get an IDA Starter Named license for Windows, you can get a platform discount for the IDA Starter Named license for Linux and Mac.
- To purchase a Hex-Rays Decompiler license, you must either purchase an IDA license first or currently have an active IDA license for the matching OS platform. If your existing IDA license has expired, then you will need to renew it before you can get a Decompiler license for it.
- Our decompiler is an add-on product for IDA Disassembler. It is NOT a standalone product. Each decompiler license has to be associated with an IDA license for the same OS platform. If you are buying a lesser quantity of decompiler licenses for your active IDA licenses, your IDA license count will be reduced, and a new ID with the matching count for the decompilers will be issued. The extra IDA licenses will not work with the decompiler license paired with the new IDA license ID.
- Floating x86/x64/ARM Decompiler licenses can only be paired with Floating IDA licenses. Fixed licenses can be paired with either the Named or Computer licenses.
- Bundle discounts are available only when you are buying both products at the same time. If you have already bought one and then later (while your license is active, that is, it is less than 12 months old) add the other product, you will not get the bundle discount.
- Bundle discounts are promotional. We reserve the right to end such promotions any time.
- IDA Pro Teams and Lumina Server licenses are based on annual subscription model and they expire and cease to function at the end of the license period. You can purchase a renewal subscription before the expiry to avoid interruption of product functionality. The renewal will add 12 months to your subscription expiry.
- IDA Pro Server and Lumina Server products are for Linux platform only; however, they work with IDA clients running on all three platforms.
- We reserve the right to change the prices any time without notification.